Hey all~! Sorry I’ve been so busy getting ready for Christmas lately! Work-wise I’ve mostly been writing with occasional drawing, but my time is mostly consumed by various Christmas preparations. As such, nothing...
Hey all~ Been quite hard at work lately, lots of 3D model practice, Unity practice, and heaps of writing! I think the modelling is coming along really well! I’ve added an image at the end to show some of my progress...
Blah I am super late sorry, I was away for a few days! Very similar to last-time I’ve just been keeping up with trying to prepare my main project and keep working at learning 3D modelling. The story-structure for the game...
Hey all~ Been busy with lots of random things these past couple of weeks, trying to progress with my 3D training and pre-production with T.H.E. Game. Not heaps to report, but because of the lack of unique news lately I thought...
Hey all~ Not too much new stuff these past two weeks, just a whole ‘lotta practicing some skills, learning some new stuff, and doing pre-production. Been busy with life interfering a lot as well, but still pushing on with...
Late again! Though I was away for a bit and came back to world of busy. Since the last post, nothing really new unfortunately because I spent most of that time away on my little holiday! Went to hang out in New Zealand with some...
Whoa I’m late! Sorry, I’m in the middle of a bit of a holiday! So aside from taking some time off, I’ve been trying to sort some things out. Over the past month, I’ve been practicing Unity work, doing tiny...
Hey there, sorry about being late, been rather busy with life lately. Unfortunately again, nothing major to report. I’ve been organising some of the card-game projects with my dev partner, and I’ve restructured my...
Hey everyone! Not much to report this update. I’ve spent a lot of the time reviewing the (now old) Monochrome Engine Demo and the tester feedback so I can prepare for it to be rebuilt later, researching and studying new...
Hey everyone, So I have some bad news. Adobe recently announced that they are cutting support from Flash Player in 2020. While this didn’t come as unexpected, it did occur a lot earlier than anticipated. Essentially, and in...