Bug-fixes! Optimisation! Story upgrades! Art assets! More bug-fixes! So much happening and I’m stuck with a flu… Gotta work hard though! Anime Typing GIF from Anime GIFs
Hey all~! Okay so small changes since my last post! I will not be releasing ‘Management IN SPACE’ just yet! This is because of how much work I was actually able to accomplish over the last month! Instead, I shall...
Hey all~! I’ve been working hard getting ‘Management IN SPACE’ ready for an alpha release for the end of the month! It’s mostly been coding; building menus, adding story and features, and some...
Hey all! Continuing from my previous post, I have unfortunately been having to manage numerous personal issues lately which has been time-consuming. However, fortunately things have been improving and I have been able to find...
Hey everyone. Lately I’ve been stuck dealing with a number of personal issues. As such I haven’t been able to do much dev work or update properly. Hopefully this won’t continue for much longer and I’ll...
Hey hey! Sorry about being gone for so long! I was away for family obligations (and a little R&R) for over a month in Europe! It was great to get away for a while and reset my mind; I spent a great deal of time just...
Hey y’all! So these past couple of weeks have been a bit all-over the place with work and obligations, but I have been able to keep working on the regular event pools, especially balancing. The regular events still have...
Hey, sorry I’m late again! ^^” Honestly, production-wise the past two weeks haven’t been super interesting. I’ve mostly been building event lists/pools to allow the game to generate random events and...
Hey everyone! I am pleased to say that my Management In Space is coming along wonderfully~! Definitely behind schedule, but I guess I’m either not too great at time estimation, or over-ambitious once again and putting in...
Hey everyone! I’m posting early for once! That’s because today is the 10 year anniversary of the start of ‘The Series Of Colour’! Beginning with ‘Colour My Heart’ all those years ago, the...