Dev-Diary: 62

Hey all~! Okay so small changes since my last post! I will not be releasing ‘Management IN SPACE’ just yet! This is because of how much work I was actually able to accomplish over the last month! Instead, I shall...

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Dev-Diary: 61

Hey all~! I’ve been working hard getting ‘Management IN SPACE’ ready for an alpha release for the end of the month! It’s mostly been coding; building menus, adding story and features, and some...

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Dev-Diary: 60

Hey all! Continuing from my previous post, I have unfortunately been having to manage numerous personal issues lately which has been time-consuming. However, fortunately things have been improving and I have been able to find...

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Dev-Diary: 59

Hey everyone. Lately I’ve been stuck dealing with a number of personal issues. As such I haven’t been able to do much dev work or update properly. Hopefully this won’t continue for much longer and I’ll...

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Dev-Diary: 57

Hey y’all! So these past couple of weeks have been a bit all-over the place with work and obligations, but I have been able to keep working on the regular event pools, especially balancing. The regular events still have...

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Dev-Diary: 56

Hey, sorry I’m late again! ^^” Honestly, production-wise the past two weeks haven’t been super interesting. I’ve mostly been building event lists/pools to allow the game to generate random events and...

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Dev-Diary: 55

Hey everyone! I am pleased to say that my Management In Space is coming along wonderfully~! Definitely behind schedule, but I guess I’m either not too great at time estimation, or over-ambitious once again and putting in...

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