Hey everybody! Nothing too new to report over the past 2 weeks, just general work on various projects, talking to awesome people about hoping to make awesome things. I’ve touched up some stuff in my demo and progressed...
Hey everybody! So the past few weeks have been pretty random in terms of productivity. While I didn’t get as much done on the demo as I’d hoped, I have been flexing my creative muscles again which has been generally...
Hey everyone! Sorry for being a day late, I was away and only just got back. What a slow and rather frustrating start to the year! I did manage to get some work done, but it was mostly filled with technical delays. After getting...
Hey everyone, Happy New Year! Time to knuckle down and get back into work. I’ve managed to better control some of the issues I’ve been faced with lately, so hopefully I can get back on track with getting the demo...
Hey everyone. I hope you’re all having a wonderful month! Unfortunately for me, the personal problems I’ve been dealing with lately have been building up and have put a hold on my work. Because of that, and the...
A day late again, sorry! But this month has been pretty intense. A lot of personal stuff has been obstructing production. This means the demo gets delayed; initially I wanted to have it done by Christmas, but now we’re...
Hello! Cut this one a bit close haha! I’m currently in the middle of organising the audio for the first project (after the Demo) with my composer. I have to say, it’s absolutely fantastic at the moment, but we still...
Hello again! Hope everyone had a great Halloween! October on a whole has probably been my least productive month for a while for my game work. Personal life and other work popped up a lot over the past couple of weeks causing...
Hello! The past two weeks have been pretty hectic with both work-life and personal life, so I’m afraid this won’t be too long. That being said, aside from a few more patches and rooms being completed, the audio...
Sorry I’m a day late! I’ve been spending a lot of the past 2 weeks just working on the maps, trying to get more done. I’ve been working on the trigger-related rooms, demonstrating how trigger functions work...