Dev-Diary: 67

Even more non-stop coding! I’m gonna keep this one brief. I’ve started local testing, and hope to move to closed testing within a few days. If you are someone that got approved for closed testing over the previous...

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Dev-Diary: 66

So I have been coding non-stop basically for the past two weeks, which is in continuation from the non-stop coding from the previous post haha! I did also manage to get sick, but all better now! The main two things I have been...

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Dev-Diary: 64

Hey everyone! So I’ve been pretty dang busy. The past month was meant to be focused on more art-assets, but at the start of the month I had a handful of different people have a go at the current build. The feedback was...

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Dev-Diary: 60

Hey all! Continuing from my previous post, I have unfortunately been having to manage numerous personal issues lately which has been time-consuming. However, fortunately things have been improving and I have been able to find...

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Dev-Diary: 57

Hey y’all! So these past couple of weeks have been a bit all-over the place with work and obligations, but I have been able to keep working on the regular event pools, especially balancing. The regular events still have...

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Dev-Diary: 55

Hey everyone! I am pleased to say that my Management In Space is coming along wonderfully~! Definitely behind schedule, but I guess I’m either not too great at time estimation, or over-ambitious once again and putting in...

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Dev-Diary: 53

Hey everyone! Late again! Been busy lately with numerous things, but I have made some steady progress on my current mini-game. The game structure is progressing well, after-which I’ll be working on the art, audio, and...

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Dev-Diary: 50

Oh what 50 Dev-Diaries on this site go me! I have been doing this for over 2 years! (not to mention the monthly Dev-Diaries I have been doing on Newgrounds and DeviantArt). So! What has happened lately? The primary project has...

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