Oh what 50 Dev-Diaries on this site go me! I have been doing this for over 2 years! (not to mention the monthly Dev-Diaries I have been doing on Newgrounds and DeviantArt). So! What has happened lately? The primary project has...
Category - Dev Diary
Place where we talk about what we’ve been doing!
Oh snap it’s Dev-Diary time! So far November has been pretty full-on; I took some time to chill after releasing ‘core_ailtt.exe’ and then jumped right back into working on the primary project. Been busying...
Hey! Sooo I kind-of released a new game! I use that term loosely, it’s more just… well… How about you just go check it out yourself? Link down below. That kinda took up my entire month so nothing else to report...
Hey all! So firstly, sorry for not posting mid-month in September like I usually do, the first couple of weeks for me were slow and tiresome with both work and personal stuff, and as such there wasn’t much to post about...
Heys! I am exhausted. This project is becoming super draining. I’m lucky that I now have some people helping out with a number of the assets, but it’s still very taxing. While I didn’t manage to complete the...
Hey! Sorry I’m a few days late on this one. This month has been a bit of a roller-coaster. I’ve managed to complete a number of things, and I’ve finally started working on the player and animations. It’s...
Hey all! Sorry I’m a day late again; time and tech and work. Offt, this has been a stressful fortnight! I’ve been grinding hard to get this engine as completed as possible to regain lost-time. While not entirely...
Heys! I’ve had some busy times earning-back my money post-holiday, and I’ve started to get back into the swing of working on the project again with my functional computer! I mostly spend my project time working down a...
I’m back! I would have posted earlier but when I got home my computer decided to die (as predicted…). This lead to about two weeks of running back-ups and fixing hardware till everything was running again. Bad news is...
Whoops! So in the lead-up to my little holiday, I may have become absolutely consumed by work…. In this, I missed the normal ‘dev-diary’ time and when I noticed I decided to just update when I could because of...