Dev-Diary: 91

Hey everyone~!

Afraid this’ll be a shorter one, even though it’s been 2 months since my last update! I’ve been pretty overwhelmed with a variety of work, from my own work on roll to my work with both PokéStudy and Inflorescent Games Co-op. I’ve had to take some time off recently as I kinda burnt myself out, but I’m recovering and getting back into the swing of things again~! ^^

roll had a massive spark up of work through March; since my last post I did some patching and polishing of the recent changes, and was also having a lot of really fantastic discussions with both our artist and musician! A lot of really wonderful progress has been made in both fronts and I can not overstate how impressed I have been with their work thus-far! I can’t wait to show you how that’s all coming along! I had to take a break from roll through most of April as my attention was pulled to my other work however, but I’ll now be refocusing again to a more distributed work-load! Oh, and before I forget (again), NieR:Cogito hit over 15k views, 2k downloads, and 7.5k plays this past month! For a lil’ thing I pulled together in the shortest amount of time, and with all the drama that ensued afterwards, I’m really proud of how well it has gone, and incredibly thankful to both the people who helped me out with production, and to Square Enix for not only providing the opportunity to create the game, but also for permitting it to stay live and public for all the experience!

If you’ve kept up with my Twitter posts, you’ll know that I’ve been keeping busy with Radioactive Magic and their PokéStudy project! There’s an incredible amount of amazing content still on the way and I’m very excited with what is being cooked-up there, so make sure to check them out and give the YouTube channel a follow! As said, I’ve also been kept busy with our work at Inflorescent, kicking off into an incredible new project! We’ve hit the ground running and have already made incredible initial progress, so while I can’t share anything with you just yet, I’m excited for where this path will lead us!

I’m afraid that’s it for this post though! Sorry this one isn’t as packed as the previous! Hopefully next post I’ll have more to share and talk about! ^^” Make sure to continue to be wonderful to one-another, support the lives of Black, Asian, indigenous, and all queer folk, and till next time all the best~!