Hey y’all~! ^,,^
Happy New Year!!
A slightly shorter post this time, classic super busy times for the past couple of months (hence no post last month!). November and December were entirely dedicated to crunching through as much of my external work as possible, specifically my work for Pokéstudy and Inflorescent Games Co-op. Pokéstudy has got a lot of amazing videos out now, and I’m also really excited for the work Damon and the team have in-store coming up! Just as excitingly, we at Inflorescent have our first game coming out this month, UFOTOFU: HEX! Check out our little teaser below! The game will be coming out on the 22/1/22 (see what we did there~?) on most computer and mobile platforms!
For internal work here at SilStiPro, we will shortly be resuming our work schedule on roll. Before pausing progress last year, we hit an amazing point of both development and optimisation, and we’re now moving into producing both some incredible content and features. Along with our fantastic musician, we’re also bringing in an incredibly talented artist to help give some life to the hidden world of the game! More on all of this next time, but our current hope is to have the game wrapping and prepping for publish sometime in April. As the work with both Pokéstudy and Inflorescent is quite large at the moment, this deadline is flexible, but we do hope to get this beautiful game wrapped and ready as soon as possible for everyone!
That’s it from my end! Remember to keep an eye out for our new game! With this new year beginning, may it bring further safety, health, and accessibility to all people, may we strive for the rights and lives of black, asian, indigenous, and queer people, and till next time and beyond, all the best~!