Hey everyone!
I’m posting early for once! That’s because today is the 10 year anniversary of the start of ‘The Series Of Colour’! Beginning with ‘Colour My Heart’ all those years ago, the series grew over the space of a year as I constructed the adorable and monochromatic world. Since then the series has had over 14 million tracked hits and, to this day, I still receive wonderful messages from the kindest people who have enjoyed my works.
Without both this series, and the support from my fans (and friends and family) over the years, I would not have made the choice to pursue game development as a career. As such, I owe so much of the person I am today to this series and all it has been to me.
While the series has been long concluded, a look-back through some of my previous draft projects on this site would easily reveal that I am still in love with that world and style. Hopefully one day I will have both the resources and the pleasure of constructing a new world inspired by my original creation.
I won’t talk about my current project (though it is coming along very nicely~), but I will leave you with thanks, because if you are reading this then you are supporting me, regardless of if you are a new-comer or have been here since the very beginning. I will also leave you with a commemorative sketch I’ve drawn up for the occasion. It’s a little rough (I had to speed through it to get it done on time), but it was a delight to again draw the in classic style, revisiting that story one last time.
Thank-you again to everybody, and till next time, all the best~