Dev-Diary: 50

Oh what 50 Dev-Diaries on this site go me! I have been doing this for over 2 years! (not to mention the monthly Dev-Diaries I have been doing on Newgrounds and DeviantArt).

So! What has happened lately? The primary project has been making progress; I’ve been assembling the main world which is taking time but going well! All the large models are done (minus finalising textures), and most of the collision set-up has been done as well. I’m also about half-way through setting up the overworld base-scripts. Getting there! However a combination of delays and other-things have forced my hand to delay the originally intended release date of this work. This came at a combination of maintaining my mental health, as I have been pushing myself way too hard, and not wanting to cut corners. When I originally undertook this project I wasn’t too sure what I was getting into, but it has really taken over me (in a good way!) and I want to do it justice. It deserves to be done right, so that everyone can share in the experience and enjoy it; the way it was originally meant to be enjoyed!

Side-note for those of you paying attention; the game-jam went well! I whipped up a little stress-filled resource-management game. I’m happy with how much I was able to achieve in such a short time! I want to touch back on it one week and upgrade it into a releasable version one day and just throw it out there, but we shall see how that goes!

Anyways, it is the end of the year almost! Hopefully I will be able to do my usual mid-month update as well, but considering how busy it is this time of year, who knows! But, to celebrate the 50th  Dev-Diary on this website, I’ll leave you with not one, but TWO screenshots from the current build of the game. The world is still very empty, but at least you can see things coming together now. Till next time, all the best~! ^,,^

