Hey all~!
Sorry I’m a day late, I’ve had a random flu hit me pretty hard this week so I was a bit off with my dates and times.
This past couple of weeks have been busy, partly with boring-making-money work, partly with super-fun-time developer work. On the fun side, I’ve fixed up bit more pre-production (I told you it never stops…), and I’ve started work on the game engine proper; I’ll include a little screenshot of my early but proud progress at the end. Hopefully I’ll have a working draft with all the key features by the end of the month, and I can start working on design.
On that note however I have also been fine-tuning the characters and doing a lot of preliminary visual design for the game; from the key characters to what a chair should look like. Gotta make sure everything looks amazing! Not today, but coming up when I’m happy with how everything is looking I’ll pop up some screenshots or scans of how things are looking. For now you’ll have to settle with my current test environment~
Until next time, all the best~!