Dev-Diary: 28

Whoa I’m late! Sorry, I’m in the middle of a bit of a holiday!

So aside from taking some time off, I’ve been trying to sort some things out. Over the past month, I’ve been practicing Unity work, doing tiny little silly projects and online courses. I’ve also been trying to work out my main line of projects that I want to work on, altering the pre-production for the new platform and giving them more depth. I’ve come to a point where I realise I want to commit a more serious amount of time to these works while I train myself up properly.

So I had an idea! Over the next 6-12 months, I’ll be working on a little experimental game. Something new. This gives me a chance to rest a bit on the big projects and practice jumping into a whole new idea. Separate from the larger story of my main projects, this will just be a stand-alone fun idea to jump into a new platform. It’ll allow me to make mistakes and grow before I commit to a larger and more serious story that I want to do right and professionally.

I’ll be updating about the progress of the project exactly the same as before, but this is something different from what I was working on over the past 2 years; it’s a little odd and a I’ll have to pick up some new skills to achieve it. But it is definitely not outside my grasp, and when I finish I’ll be in a place to chase my dream works. 🙂

(also completing a project like this will tick off a little game-design bucket list item hehehe~)

This game involves a lot of secrecy, but I’ll share as much as I can without spoiling, as usual~ As for the coming month, I’ll continue to learn and develop after my little trip (which I will return from to attend OzComicon).

Till next time, all the best!